Das Elend der Kinder im Konzentrationslager Gaza!

Das elende Schicksal der Kinder im Konzentrationslager Gazastreifen. Dutzende von palästinensischen Kindern müssen die Schule verlassen, um das Leben der Familien zu sichern, nachdem ihre Väter während der vielen Gaza Angriffe, durch die „jüdische Verteidigungssoldaten“ ermordet wurden. Geschätzte 9,700 Kinder zwischen 10 und 17 Jahren müssen arbeiten. Von den 1,9 Millionen eingeschlossenen Bewohnern des Gazastreifens lebt die Hälfte unterhalb der Armutsgrenze, 80%, überleben nur durch humanitäre Hilfe und die Arbeitslosigkeit liegt bei über 45%.

Dozens of Palestinian children across the Gaza Strip have been obliged to leave school in order to go to work and help their family finances because their fathers have been killed during Israeli offensives or are unemployed as a result of the Israeli-led siege. A report by AFP refers to 11 year-old Walid Maaruf and 12 year-old Ibrahim Ghaben. Both were once good students but left school after their fathers lost their jobs.

Around half of Gaza’s 1.9 million inhabitants live beneath the poverty line, with 80 per cent surviving on humanitarian aid, according to the latest statistics quoted by AFP. Unemployment has risen dramatically to 45 per cent – one of the highest rates in the world – forcing many children to become family bread-winners.

Palestinian statistics show an increase in child labour over the past five years, with an estimated 9,700 children aged between 10 and 17 now working across the coastal enclave. “My father is unemployed,” said Ibrahim Ghaben. “He used to gather stones and scrap metal… but now I work.” Ibrahim works for between six to 12 hours a day for 20 shekels ($5) in order to help the nine members of his family.


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