Prof. Joseph Massad: Israel ‚WHITEWASHING‘ its Crimes on Holocaust Memorial Day

Soeben schickte mir mein Freund, Joseph Massad sein Interview zum „White-washing“ am Holocaust Memorial Day  auf RT.


Soeben schickte mir mein Freund, Joseph Massad sein Video auf RT, über Israel „WHITEWASHIG“ its Crimes on Holocaust

Prof. Joseph Massad: Israel ‚WHITEWASHING‘ its Crimes on Holocaust

Memorial Day

75.700 Abonnenten
We speak to Professor Joseph Massad about the Israel-Palestine conflict, the history of Zionism and the history of support and opposition within Judaism to Zionism, Benjamin Netanyahu sanctioning the ICC criminal court, racism in the United States and more! He also accuses the Israeli government of using Holocaust Memorial Day to whitewash its crimes and discusses how the Soviet role in defeating the Nazis has been buried! LIKE Going Underground FOLLOW Going Underground FOLLOW Afshin Rattansi FOLLOW on Instagram


Prof. Joseph Massad: Israel ‚WHITEWASHING‘ its Crimes on Holocaust

Memorial Day

75.700 Abonnenten
We speak to Professor Joseph Massad about the Israel-Palestine conflict, the history of Zionism and the history of support and opposition within Judaism to Zionism, Benjamin Netanyahu sanctioning the ICC criminal court, racism in the United States and more! He also accuses the Israeli government of using Holocaust Memorial Day to whitewash its crimes and discusses how the Soviet role in defeating the Nazis has been buried! LIKE Going Underground FOLLOW Going Underground FOLLOW Afshin Rattansi FOLLOW on Instagram


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