Despite lies in the times of Corona, we should continue to fight with our peaceful means, against those who are all right! Lies in the Time of Corona By Evelyn Hecht-Galinski How far can a state go to „protect“ its citizens? It seems as if a virus has managed to suddenly question everything we have…


Despite lies in the times of Corona, we should continue to fight with our peaceful means, against those who are all right!

Lies in the Time of Corona

By Evelyn Hecht-Galinski


How far can a state go to “protect” its citizens? It seems as if a virus has managed to suddenly question everything we have painstakingly acquired in terms of freedom and democratic rights. We receive everything that Palestine has suffered for decades in a “light form”. It is a foretaste of what we could expect if the “pandemic” of this virus could not be managed. You should ask yourself how far a state can go to “protect” its citizens. As a citizen, one also wonders why the thousands of flu deaths received so little media and political attention year after year, while the Covid-19 virus became a national disaster. It seems as if Orwell described “1984” as an apocalypse.

Trying to undermine the legal system

What is a sad reality in the “Jewish state” under the Netanyahu regime is seen as exemplary, especially in Germany, and who knows how many politicians are flirting with precisely this endeavor to undermine the legal system. Still adorned, and the attempt by the German health minister Spahn for a cell phone surveillance was temporarily withdrawn after objections from the Ministry of Justice and data protection officers. It seems like you are trying everything to test how far you can go before the protests come. We still have a democracy, but how long it really works can now be questioned if you look around in other European countries. It seems the EU is remembering more and more totalitarian pasts and regimes, that did not stop at mass surveillance or emergency laws in order to secure the power in the long term that would allow them to govern by decree and indefinitely. (1)

Arresting “test refusers” like criminals

In the “Jewish State”, infected people are spied on like criminals, and the British Johnson government is working to have the police detain suspected infected persons as its vicarious agent and to a law similar to that in the “Jewish State” and wants to legislate that are worthy of a dictatorship. If it is to be possible to arrest “test refusers”, to fix the disabled and doctors to issue death certificates without having seen the deceased, or to take coercive measures that encroach on all public rights of citizens, then Big Ben has already after 12 beaten. (2) (3) (4) (5)

Orban dictatorship according to friend Netanyahu

Yes, the lack of freedom can be unlimited, we experience that from Poland to Hungary, from Israel to the USA and Great Britain. It is regimes like the Zionist or the Hungarian, which are increasingly abandoning the democratic path and wanting to set up an “Orban dictatorship” entirely according to friend Netanyahu. After all, they have little to fear from an EU that has increasingly distanced itself from its so-called values ​​and has not been able to present a unit as a strong working power since its inception. (6)

While Germany is so arrogant to reject offers of help from China, goods from China so urgently used by Italy are blocked by Poland and the Czech Republic, a sad sign of a lack of European solidarity. Even poor, sanctioned Cuba can help in Italy with more than 50 doctors and nurses. And while tests are missing in Germany and supposedly infected people are rejected and are supposed to be quarantined, sanctioned Iran is able to test more than 30 million Iranians. (7) (8) (9) (10)

What can you think of a Robert Koch Institute that presents the tests as well functioning and simple respiratory masks as inefficient, contrary to the scientific knowledge in countries such as China, South Korea and Japan. Perhaps the reason is that we simply don’t have enough of it and the supplies are slow. Corona as a droplet infection is particularly dangerous if you get “droplets” from your counterpart. Apart from washing hands, disposable gloves, disinfection and mouth protection, there are few ways to protect yourself – which also applies to the flu, for which there is a vaccination, but which does not offer 100% protection. But what is 100% in life? The death! (11)

The “transparent citizen” has long since become a reality

In times of corona lies and a possible mass surveillance with all technical possibilities through smartphones, a rigid location surveillance and much more, the “transparent citizen” has long since become a reality – and not without own fault. Could it be that the mouthguard is rejected because the authorities want to prevent face recognition technologies and biometric cameras from being used efficiently? (12)

“Patron” driven by mission zeal

It is interesting how “patrons” like the SAP founder Hopp now buy into organic high-tech companies in order not only to secure a billion dollar business, but also, driven by zeal for mission, ambition, fame and honor. What Hopp already tried in football made him popular only with officials and Hoffenheim, but not with the “normal” people and football fans. It is terrifying as we get closer and closer to the US situation, where billionaires like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos or Michael Bloomberg try to gain with their billions of power and influence. (13)

9/11 heralded the racist hunt for Muslims

As we experienced it after 9/11, when the “anti-terror laws” were introduced, which have not been withdrawn to this day and have been tightened more and more, and ushered in international hatred of Islam and racist hunting for Muslims, this virus could also be the one Put the world in a new state with far-reaching measures. (14)

The plague of “US locusts”

We are facing a drastic global recession, a crash in the stock markets, the price of oil, the impending bankruptcy of many small and medium-sized companies, while large corporations can wait with thick pads, or in the worst case, the government is making money loose for nationalization. Because nothing other than our taxes are the “state benefits”, which should now flow generously in the billions. If the “red zero”, Finance Minister Scholz, wants to forego the “black zero” and undoes the debt brake, then these are important measures that are not alms, but necessary reactions. As always in times of crisis, there are already winners who are interested in causing the markets to spin in order to benefit from them themselves. And in their tow the plague of the “US locusts”, who are eagerly waiting to do a clear cut in German companies. Could the Coronavirus Pandemic Cause China’s Rise and the Fall of the West? After the “new world order” led by the USA and the collapse of the Soviet Union, the USA remained the only superpower. Could there be a change in the world order that poses huge problems for us? (15) (16) (17) (18) that poses huge problems for us? (15) (16) (17) (18) that poses huge problems for us? (15) (16) (17) (18)

Disaster of the “Palestinian Holocaust

The bleak prospects for the Gaza concentration camp also raise the worst fears. When will the international community finally wake up and put an end to this human rights crime? Gaza has had two corona cases so far, but should the virus spread, and it can be assumed that there will be an unprecedented catastrophe, a “Palestinian Holocaust” that will make us all perpetrators. We can still change it, but it seems as if the “Western community of values” in particular is still refusing to accept the terrible consequences of the inhumane Zionist occupation and oppression of human rights and international law. (19)

Despite lies in the times of Corona, we should continue to fight with our peaceful means, against those who are all right!

“You have to repeat the truth over and over again, because the error around us is preached again and again, not by individuals but by the masses, in newspapers and encyclopedias, at schools and universities. Everywhere the error is on top, and he is comfortable and comfortable in the feeling of the majority that is on his side. ”(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe to Johann Peter Eckermann, December 16, 1828) (20)
























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