Western values Change Regimes…From Gaza to Venezuela Evelyn hecht-Galinski Desertpeace



What we are currently experiencing in Venezuela makes us painfully aware that no state is safe from Western “values”. Even Egypt, Syria, Iran, Ukraine and currently Venezuela and Gaza show us how perfidious this method is. 

The regime change method: from Gaza to Venezuela

By Evelyn Hecht-Galinski


How much longer will we have to face coup attempts being planned and executed by US governments? What we are currently experiencing in Venezuela makes us painfully aware that no state is safe from Western “values”. Even Egypt, Syria, Iran, Ukraine and currently Venezuela and Gaza show us how perfidious this method is. The people must go hungry because of the sanctions, all the important things are getting scarcer, and one stirs up dissatisfaction on governments that have to “get away”.President Maduro bravely defends against this US method because he knows his people behind him. But why is a self-proclaimed coup puppet being supported by Germany and a foreign minister who “went into politics because of Auschwitz”? (1)


No new German guilt!


What are the interests behind it? Especially the German diplomacy under “Auschwitzminister” Maas operates nevertheless a policy, which could lead long-term to Auschwitz. Why do we have to be at the forefront in US towers in their more than transparent military actions and regime change coup attempts? What fascinates the German Foreign Minister on Venezuela, the Ukraine, Mali and the “Jewish state”? Does he really want to “make amends” with a destructive policy that does exactly the opposite, namely to accept new German guilt? Again and again, I can repeat the life motto of my father, Heinz Galinski, and heed it: “I did not survive Auschwitz to remain silent on new injustice”. If Germans like the Foreign Minister Maas or as his predecessor, If the green Josef Fischer used the word Auschwitz to justify war, then I find it so disgusting and shameful that I protect myself against it as a German. It is unacceptable for German citizens with Jewish roots like me when German politicians use the word Auschwitz to discriminate against Jews today and deny them freedom of expression when it comes to criticizing the “Jewish apartheid state” and its illegal occupation policy. Auschwitz was the German chapter of a “millennial brown empire,” which should under no circumstances be used to be abused. If Maas had really gone into politics because of Auschwitz, then he should no longer close his eyes to the crimes of the “Jewish state” and support him unilaterally. In fact, Auschwitz and the Holocaust oblige us to assist the Palestinians, who are helpless and alone in the so-called “community of values” of their ethnic cleansing and judicialization of their country. (2) (3)


Especially in Germany, we see how Palestinians are intimidated and almost lethargically standing in front of the ruins of their homeland Palestine – and if they demonstrate once against the murderous Israeli policy, as denounced during the attack on Gaza 2014, therefore as anti-Semites. It is almost unbearable how far the long arm of the Netanyahu regime reaches into Germany and succeeded here with the help of the Sayanim of the Central Council of Jews, the Israel lobby in the form of various international Jewish organizations and countless compliant politicians, parties and philosemitic helpers is to build this tightly lashed network of novel anti-Semitism in the form of new “Jew’s love”. No, indeed, anti-Semitism hatred for Jews has diminished, but criticism of the “Jewish state” has increased.This fact is proven, but uncomfortable. That’s why Israeli apologists lump anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism together to demonize this term. These statements also have the purpose of inducing Jewish citizens to return to their “Promised Land” while preventing Palestinians, including those with a German passport, from entering their stolen land. (4)


Do not confuse religion with combat area!


In fact, there is a strong right-wing and extreme right-wing forces who have always lived out their anti-Semitism and who have become stronger only thanks to false tolerance. But we also see that they have long since turned their hatred of the Jews into an Islam hatred, which should wake us all and make them worried. While synagogues and Jewish officials are being guarded, this is painfully missing in mosques and refugee homes. Muslims, like Jews, should be subject to the same “reason of the state”. It is precisely the responsibility of the Nazi past that obliges Germany to exercise due diligence on the last forgotten victims of the Holocaust, the Palestinians, who are entirely on their own without a global lobby such as the Jews.Already we are experiencing a progressive Israelization, also in Germany, and we do not want that. Let’s ask ourselves, why are so many Jewish Israeli citizens coming to Germany and Berlin and are they feeling very well, especially in “no go areas” like Wedding and Kreuzberg, which the Central Council repeatedly warns against. Perhaps it is a “no go area” for Israel lobbyists and more recently for non-religious and sometimes evangelical Zionist “Kippa porters” who multiply like rabbits but instrumentalize religion and confuse it with a combat area. Especially in the “Jewish state”, we experience how right-wing extremist Judaists have a good chance of forming the next coalition with the Likud and Netanyahu.These voters associate only the hatred of Palestinians, and the maintenance of the eternal occupation of Palestine and the idea of ​​”Greater Israel.” (5) and we do not want that. Let’s ask ourselves, why are so many Jewish Israeli citizens coming to Germany and Berlin and are they feeling very well, especially in “no go areas” like Wedding and Kreuzberg, which the Central Council repeatedly warns against. Perhaps it is a “no go area” for Israel lobbyists and more recently for non-religious and sometimes evangelical Zionist “Kippa porters” who multiply like rabbits but instrumentalize religion and confuse it with a combat area. Especially in the “Jewish state”, we experience how right-wing extremist Judaists have a good chance of forming the next coalition with the Likud and Netanyahu.These voters associate only the hatred of Palestinians, and the maintenance of the eternal occupation of Palestine and the idea of ​​”Greater Israel.” (5) and we do not want that. Let’s ask ourselves, why are so many Jewish Israeli citizens coming to Germany and Berlin and are they feeling very well, especially in “no go areas” like Wedding and Kreuzberg, which the Central Council repeatedly warns against. Perhaps it is a “no go area” for Israel lobbyists and more recently for non-religious and sometimes evangelical Zionist “Kippa porters” who multiply like rabbits but instrumentalize religion and confuse it with a combat area. Especially in the “Jewish state”, we experience how right-wing extremist Judaists have a good chance of forming the next coalition with the Likud and Netanyahu.These voters associate only the hatred of Palestinians, and the maintenance of the eternal occupation of Palestine and the idea of ​​”Greater Israel.” (5) why do so many Jewish-Israeli citizens come to Germany and Berlin and feel very well, especially in “no-go areas” such as Wedding and Kreuzberg, which the Central Council repeatedly warns against. Perhaps it is a “no go area” for Israel lobbyists and more recently for non-religious and sometimes evangelical Zionist “Kippa porters” who multiply like rabbits but instrumentalize religion and confuse it with a combat area. Especially in the “Jewish state”, we experience how right-wing extremist Judaists have a good chance of forming the next coalition with the Likud and Netanyahu. These voters associate only the hatred of Palestinians, and the maintenance of the eternal occupation of Palestine and the idea of ​​”Greater Israel.” (5) why do so many Jewish-Israeli citizens come to Germany and Berlin and feel very well, especially in “no-go areas” such as Wedding and Kreuzberg, which the Central Council repeatedly warns against. Perhaps it is a “no go area” for Israel lobbyists and more recently for non-religious and sometimes evangelical Zionist “Kippa porters” who multiply like rabbits but instrumentalize religion and confuse it with a combat area. Especially in the “Jewish state”, we experience how right-wing extremist Judaists have a good chance of forming the next coalition with the Likud and Netanyahu. These voters associate only the hatred of Palestinians, and the maintenance of the eternal occupation of Palestine and the idea of ​​”Greater Israel.” (5) in front of which the Central Council warns again and again. Perhaps it is a “no go area” for Israel lobbyists and more recently for non-religious and sometimes evangelical Zionist “Kippa porters” who multiply like rabbits but instrumentalize religion and confuse it with a combat area. Especially in the “Jewish state”, we experience how right-wing extremist Judaists have a good chance of forming the next coalition with the Likud and Netanyahu. These voters associate only the hatred of Palestinians, and the maintenance of the eternal occupation of Palestine and the idea of ​​”Greater Israel.” (5) in front of which the Central Council warns again and again. Perhaps it is a “no go area” for Israel lobbyists and more recently for non-religious and sometimes evangelical Zionist “Kippa porters” who multiply like rabbits but instrumentalize religion and confuse it with a combat area. Especially in the “Jewish state”, we experience how right-wing extremist Judaists have a good chance of forming the next coalition with the Likud and Netanyahu.These voters associate only the hatred of Palestinians, and the maintenance of the eternal occupation of Palestine and the idea of ​​”Greater Israel.” (5) but instrumentalize religion and confuse it with a battlefield. Especially in the “Jewish state”, we experience how right-wing extremist Judaists have a good chance of forming the next coalition with the Likud and Netanyahu. These voters associate only the hatred of Palestinians, and the maintenance of the eternal occupation of Palestine and the idea of ​​”Greater Israel.” (5) but instrumentalize religion and confuse it with a battlefield. Especially in the “Jewish state”, we experience how right-wing extremist Judaists have a good chance of forming the next coalition with the Likud and Netanyahu. These voters associate only the hatred of Palestinians, and the maintenance of the eternal occupation of Palestine and the idea of ​​”Greater Israel.” (5)


It is precisely Jewish citizens who should ponder this, and they should support the Muslims and Palestinians in their struggle for freedom and equality. She should be ashamed of seeing the “Jewish state” and dealing with Palestinians and their oppression. And certainly it is shameful to see this repression, apartheid and occupation policies, but still support, and even solidarized and persecuted without any empathy. Should not one ask oneself if all this – these atrocities – does not remind them of the stories of their ancestors? No, gassing is not yet! But chemical weapons and poison gases are not foreign to the “Jewish state”, but their possession and use are always concealed. (6)


Humiliation and robbery policies no longer accept!


The humiliating and robbery policy of the Judaisierung, which is accepted here inactive, is supported, we should no longer accept as citizens. Can it really decent Democrats suffered when critical Jews working against the occupation of Palestine, are demonized and criminalized, as well as Muslim citizens who defend themselves against the expulsion and extermination of their brothers and sisters in Palestine? No, the time has come for us all together to actively support the BDS movement, the only peaceful weapon in the fight against the occupiers’ deadly weapons. It is not we who support this movement who are criminal, but the supporters of the “Jewish State”, a nuclear-weapon-occupying regime with a concentration camp in Gaza.


This inevitably leads me to Gaza. Are not we experiencing the same method as in Egypt, Ukraine, Syria and currently Venezuela? With shortages, electricity shortages, water scarcity, “well poisoning” and the like, attempts are being made to incite hatred against elected governments from outside. It is the United States method, which has been tried for decades and very successfully defended the hegemony. Again and again, this is reminiscent of a crusade, when the “defense of Christian values” or worse, the “Christian-Jewish values” is spoken. What a Christian-Jewish arrogance that negates and – worse still – denies Muslims and their values.The audacity has repeatedly lumped terror and Islamism in order to justify the hypocritical value war policy.


Dive into the high culture of the Islamic world!


In fact, Islam looks to a high culture, which takes us from the acquired numbers, mathematics, philosophy to architecture so valuable testimony to this day. Even Goethe was fascinated by the Orient and its high culture, which was reflected in his “West-Eastern Divan”. It pays to read this book and be enchanted. Again and again, when I read the stories of 1001 Nights, I am delighted by this oriental world, in which it is worthwhile to immerse. I would also like to remind the Palestinian poet Mahmud Darwish, who unfortunately died much too early, as the poetic voice of his people! But let’s not forget the political literature of the great American-Palestinian literary man Edward Said and his most famous work “Orientalism”, that the British newspaper “The Guardian” is one of the hundred most important non-fiction books. (7)


Finally, I would like to point out the freshly printed book by Jürgen Todenhöfer that I’m reading with great enthusiasm. Jürgen Todenhöfer is one of the few journalists who does not forget the suffering of the Palestinians and Gaza. He donated part of the fees of his book “Inside IS” for projects to Gaza. He is a generous person, with a heart for Gaza. In his new book titled “The Great Hypocrisy – How Politics and the Media Tell Our Values”, Propyläen-Verlag, he describes in Chapter 6 “Stunned in Gaza”, among other things, a more than revealing opinion in a long personal conversation with a Israeli ex-politicians and war heroes in Jerusalem: “Gaza does not interest Israel. Israel wants to return the ancient biblical areas of the West Bank, Judea and Samaria. It will get her too. Gaza could have who wants. The Egyptians or the Jordanians. The fencing by bars and walls was the just punishment for Gaza having chosen Hamas. “On demand from Todenhöfer he also confirmed that Gaza was of course a concentration camp, something else they did not deserve there. At the end, Todenhöfer asked the Israeli why he was no longer in the cabinet. His answer: “Because then I can not say all that, what I just told you. Although almost everyone thinks the same thing. “(8) (9) (10) something else the people would not have earned there. At the end, Todenhöfer asked the Israeli why he was no longer in the cabinet. His answer: “Because then I can not say all that, what I just told you. Although almost everyone thinks the same thing. “(8) (9) (10) something else the people would not have earned there. At the end, Todenhöfer asked the Israeli why he was no longer in the cabinet. His answer: “Because then I can not say all that, what I just told you. Although almost everyone thinks the same thing. “(8) (9) (10)


Did the Jews earn concentration camps?


This was one of the many shocking factual accounts in this book that ruthlessly describes and exposes. Of course, after these shameful statements, the thought came to me: Did the Jews deserve concentration camps? What simple formulas for ethnic cleansing and expulsion. Does not the Netanyahu regime, in the face of the fascist election campaign of Judaism, try to incite the regime change in Gaza with the demonization of Hamas, with the suffering and suffering in the Gaza concentration camp?What a demonic distraction action. Let’s never forget: not the elected Hamas are the occupiers and keep a laboratory in the concentration camp and committed genocide! It is only the Zionist occupiers who attempt with the method to incite the population and to shift the hatred. That should finally force the international community to act and put an end to this crime. That reminds Auschwitz.





(1) https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/.premium-if-palestinians-have-22-states-israeli-jews-have-200-1.7023647

(2) https://www.nachdenkseiten.de/?p=50175

(3) https://www.globalresearch.ca/israel-amps-up-ethnic-cleansing-in-order-to-further-judaize-jerusalem/5622596

(4) https://gulfnews.com/world/mena/israels-legacy-of-terror-and-ethnic-cleansing-1.2154720

(5) https://www.haaretz.com/middle-east-news/palestinians/.premium-hamas-detains-hundreds-after-violently-suppressing-gaza-s-revolt-of-the-hungry-1.7025221

(6) https://www.dw.com/en/ger%C3%A4t-israel-wegen-chemiewaffen-unter-druck/a-17104181

(7) http://www.eslam.de/begriffe/w/west-oestlicher_diwan.htm

(8) https://republican-news.org/current/news/2014/08/gaza_and_the_warsaw_ghetto.html

(9) https://www.ullstein-buchverlage.de/nc/buch/details/die-grosse-heuchelei-9783549100035.html

(10) https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20190318-israel-investigations-into-gaza-deaths-mere-propaganda-says-rights-group/



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