What would Hitler do? Evelyn Hecht-Galinski Deserpeace



Let us not let the German Reichstag tradition become part of the Bundestag tradition and let us not allow the German parliament and its representatives to empower unconditionally to support the “Jewish state” and to forget Palestine.

In Old Tradition: From the Reichstag to the Bundestag- From Antisemitism

to Philosemitism, A Short Way


Evelyn Hecht-Galinski


Fatal and shameful, what took place last week in the German Bundestag.Indeed, one felt reminded of Reichstag times, when Jews were discriminated and marginalized in Germany. This time, however, all “democratic” parties together voted for a ban on the BDS movement. It strongly reminded of the “Enabling Act” of March 24, 1933, the official law for the relief of the people and the Reich. Only the SPD voted against it then. So how can you compare “Enabling Act” and the anti-BDS motion, which “resolutely” opposes the BDS movement and wants to fight anti-Semitism? One can, because both decisions are deliberately not “constitutional”. Does not our constitution clearly state the right to freedom of expression?

Bundestag resolution “authorizes” to anti-Semitism and disregard of human rights

So how can it be reconciled with voting on a motion that would “empower” German politicians to take anti-human rights, anti-liberal and anti-Semitic courses, especially against Jewish citizens who support the Use liberation of Palestine? (1)

With this motion, the members of the Bundestag of the non-violent BDS campaign, founded in the middle of Palestinian civil society, have stamped an “anti-Semitism” stamp, which is as bizarre as it gets. What is anti-Semitic when, after decades of Israeli colonial occupation, civilians take over and – inspired by the struggle of the South Africans against apartheid – boycott, divest and sanction the occupying power to induce Israel to conquer and colonize all Arab countries stop the illegal wall, as called upon by the International Court of Justice, to recognize the fundamental right of Israel’s Arab-Palestinian citizens to be fully equal.

As long as the Israeli government continues to pursue this illegal and colonialist policy to the detriment of the Palestinians, which makes them suffer in the “heartland” as well as in the illegally occupied territories under apartheid, the world-wide growing BDS movement will continue to fight non-violently for its goals, until Israel respects international law and recognizes the inalienable rights of the Palestinians, including the right to self-determination.

No cooperation with a state of apartheid

There is only one historical responsibility that we must face together, no privileged economic, military and scientific cooperation with a state that calls itself a “Jewish State” and thus promotes demarcation and exploits anti-Semitism as a concept of struggle against criticism. They use the wrong comparison of the “do not buy” label with the Nazi slogan “Do not buy from the Jew” as evidence of anti-Semitism. A vicious and baseless defamation, concocted by the Hasbara of the Netanyahu regime and the Israel lobby, with the targeted non-violent, but quite successful movement is to be met.

One can only warn of the consequences of this proposal if one no longer wants to promote organizations that promote Palestinian freedom and support BDS and refuse to grant municipalities and facilities to organizations that want to provide information in events.

So how can democratic German parties, and especially the FDP, which has the word “free” in its party context, but BDS supporters with the above measures a muzzle want to hang over; as well the AfD, whose similarity becomes more and more unmistakable, in many points. The went one step further and wanted to prohibit the BDS movement completely. (2)

A tremendous attack on the fundamental right of freedom of expression and discussion

Under the pretext of combating anti-Semitism, did this petition serve merely as a fig leaf to stifle any protest against Israel’s illegal occupation policy and to stop a campaign that exclusively addresses international law and resolutions also accepted by Israel? With this tremendous attack on the fundamental right of freedom of expression and freedom of discussion, the FDP and the other parties have done a disservice to freedom.

However, all of them shared the complete ignorance of the BDS movement and the fixation on the whisperings of the Israel lobby and their false arguments. It was only too understandable that the newly elected Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, who has just been accused of corruption, and has already tried to evade judicial reform, welcomed this Bundestag motion condemning the BDS campaign as an “important decision”. In fact, he congratulated parliamentarians for stigmatizing the BDS movement as anti-Semitic, and was glad to be called upon to stop funding organizations working “against the existence” of the state of Israel. Germany as a pioneer in Europe is a bad role model, even if this application has no legal effect.

In fact, all the members of the Bundestag who support this motion should ask themselves whether they really do comply with international law and the constitution after this poisoned praise, especially from this lying dog.After this motion, which is trampling on the rights of the Palestinians and based fully on the propaganda of the Israel lobby, how can we speak of democratic decisions? Above all, because there were in advance a call of 66 Jewish-Israeli scientists to the deputies, BDS not categorize with anti-Semitism, and warned vehemently against the threat to the liberal-democratic order in Germany! However, these were not heard, and again we experience that only 74 years after the liberation of Auschwitz Jewish scientists in the German Bundestag are ignored and marginalized! You simply did not want to hear the truth because you could not argue against it with valid arguments. Should not that be a wake-up call? (5) (6)

Betrayal of international law

Like the German government and the parliament, certain media are behind the fake anti-Semitism charges and stand for a “right of existence for the Jewish state,” which has no defined border until today, support the raison d’etat for the “security of the Jewish state” and complicit in the crimes of ethnic cleansing, military occupation and apartheid. Where is the right of existence of Palestine? This betrayal of international law makes Germany and its parliament completely untrustworthy.

Both Germany, the USA and the “Jewish State” are quick to be involved in boycotts and sanctions against Russia, Iran or Turkey, again and again with reference to international law and human rights. All of these arguments do not count with Israel, which has disregarded these rights for decades, with reference to German guilt and eternal responsibility, which sanctifies all means for the “Jewish state”.

On the heels were prizes and rewards for the media help of the “unconditional” Israeli supporter – the self-confessed “non-Jewish” Zionist Springer boss Döpfner, who was awarded the Leo Baeck Prize by the Central Council of Jews. One of the laudators, Ronald S. Lauder, President of the World Jewish Congress, praised drippingly, “Döpfner is a man of courage and decency, representing all the noble qualities one associates with Germany. He never met a man who, like Döpfner, fought simultaneously against communism and totalitarianism and was a defender of the “Jewish people”. “We experience this” rush-fight “every day in the Bild-Blöd-Zeitung. (7)

Even Merkel must not go out empty handed, the “Christian Zionist will receive the Buber Rosenzweig Medal in 2020, as the Society for” Christian-Jewish Cooperation “announced. Whether Merkel still has a place for the umpteenth Jewish Prize? But she has a big cross! (8th)

Stop Israel’s Crimes by Boycott! Oppose the Reichstag tradition!

There is only one way to stop Israel, the boycott that has successfully ended apartheid in South Africa. So the conscientious all over the world are called upon to finally join the peaceful BDS movement, to support the economic sanctions, the cultural and scientific boycott and finally to treat the “Jewish state” like any other that has so far ignored all rules.

The Gaza blockade, which keeps two million people in a concentration camp, the constant air strikes, wars against sovereign neighbors, the non-return of the Golan Heights and the undivided Jerusalem as the eternal capital of a “Jewish state”, the disregard of all rules shown by it, must not be supported by Germany and its “representatives of the people”. The Judaisierung should not be further promoted. Only together we are strong to show these politicians and deputies the red card. In any case, I no longer see myself represented in the coming European elections.

Let us not let the German Reichstag tradition become part of the Bundestag tradition and let us not allow the German parliament and its representatives to empower unconditionally to support the “Jewish state” and to forget Palestine. From anti-Semitism it went into the philosemitism, it is a short way, according to the will and propaganda of the Israel supporters. Let’s never forget what I have been saying for years: “Zionism threatens us ALL”


(1) https://www.bundestag.de/dokumente/textarchiv/2019/kw20-de-bds-642892

(2) https://fmueller-rosentritt.abgeordneten.fdpbt.de/sites/default/files/2019-04/20190409_Kein%20Platz%20f%C3%BCr%20Antisemitismus%20-%20Bus%20FDP-Fraktion.pdf

(3) https://www.tagesspiegel.de/politik/nach-anti-israelischer-kampagne-netanjahu-lobt-bundestagsbeschluss-gegen-bds-bewegung/24357010.html

(4) https://www.ard-telaviv.de/lex-bibi/

(5) https://www.lebenshaus-alb.de/magazin/012256.html

(6) https://www.openpetition.de/pdf/blog/wir-sagen-der-fdp-einsatz-fuer-menschenrechte-ist-nicht-antisemitisch_aufstand-der-anstaendigen-2000-unterschriften-gegen-anti-bds -beschluss_1558080748.pdf

(7) https://www.haz.de/Nachrichten/Medien/Fernsehen/Leo-Baeck-Preis-fuer-Springer-Chef- DooPfner

(8) https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/buber-rosenzweig-medaille-merkel-erhaelt-auszeichnung-2020.2932.de.html?drn:news_id=1009053


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