What would Jesus say about the occupation? By Evelyn Hecht Galinski Published by Desert Peace

I thank Steve Amsel from Desertpeace for Publishing, for all my english reading Readers.


Every Year

Commentary from Hochblauen

By Evelyn Hecht-Galinski

When large parts of the population celebrate the birth of Jesus, a similar, sad fate is repeated.


Besieged Bethlehem: Jesus’ birthplace crippled by Israeli occupation …


Evelyn Hecht-Galinski

When large parts of the population celebrate the birth of Jesus, a similar, sad fate is repeated. In the country where Jesus was born, the harassment and human rights crimes against Palestinians, whether Muslim or Christian, are becoming more and more cruel. It is precisely these celebrations that the Zionist system of oppression uses for ever new criminal and murderous actions. In the shadow of the supposedly peaceful Advent season, we are witnessing a wave of violence that does not shy away from the murder of children and the disabled. Since the US government under the leadership of US President Trump and Shadow Secretary of State “Jared-Koscher Kushner-Nostra-Secretary of State” has been in power, all the floodgates have been opened in order to enforce its “America and Jewish First” policy unhindered. Who is surprised that Jewish citizens who do not distance themselves from this policy are becoming more and more unpopular? And that’s not anti-Semitism! A state which calls itself the “Jewish State” and which only 73 years after the end of World War II and Auschwitz liberation is becoming increasingly similar to Nazi Germany must no longer be celebrated as the “only” democracy in the Middle East.

Apartheid state abuses the Holocaust

No, this apartheid state is now miles away from all democratic practices and abuses the Holocaust and its victims for its own terrible purposes. Everything is demanded and justified by the uniqueness of the terrible genocide of 6 million Jews. It cannot be covered up or denied by anything and will always be remembered as one of the most terrible crimes in world history. And yes, I say it consciously, as ONE of the most terrible. But what about the many other victims of tyranny before and after? What are we experiencing in Yemen and Gaza, what guilt have the colonial countries like Great Britain, Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Australia and the USA brought upon themselves? Germany, too, has refused to acknowledge the genocide of the Herero and to make reparations. This enumeration would have to be continued for pages and in detail. But is it not noticeable that only one lobby group has managed to assert its claim to sole representation as a victim group?

This “light among nations”, as the “Jewish State” likes to call itself, is a dark and cruel example of how to conceal crimes with flowery names. Again and again I remember a trip as a youth to Israel, where I noticed this state already then in its inhuman arrogance. How one propagandistically boasted about it for “blooming landscapes” that Jews had built on “Arabian desert soil”. And not a word about the fact that this land, robbed by the Palestinian natives, came from the Palestinians and that these approximately 750,000 displaced or murdered Palestinians had worked this land with their hands and built their houses on it. If the Jewish occupiers always boast of having planted forests in these areas, it is a criminal greenwash of land theft, occupation and expulsion to eradicate the Palestinian roots. The Zionist occupying regimes knew only too well how to persuade German politicians and parties in particular to support these “death forests”. The former German SPD Foreign Minister and current Federal President Steinmeier and recently Dietmar Bartsch, chairman of the left-wing parliamentary group in the Bundestag, have been active as “Zionist gardeners”, and the forests of the German Länder also underline this policy. While one denigrates meanwhile Christmas trees in the Jewish state as dangerous anti-Jewish symbol and forests die here here with us in Germany, the Zionist afforestation is brought to bloom.

Aim of the Netanyahu regime: Judaization of Palestine until the Final Solution

Desperate Palestinians try to enforce their legal right of return to their homeland – guaranteed by international law – in order to escape the desperate situation, and are ruthlessly shot. The Netanyahu regime, like many other governments before it, has masterfully presented itself as a threatened country and concerned only with security. In the shadow of these “security lies” they can, thanks to the hypocritical community of states, continue the Judaization of Palestine until the final solution.

However, we should all be concerned that more and more Jewish citizens are being recruited into the diaspora (Sayanim!) in order to actively participate in the scientifically accompanied propaganda lies and defamation campaigns. How many three-digit millions were provided for this Hasbara (propaganda)? Especially at a time when the BDS movement in the

However, we should all be concerned that more and more Jewish citizens are being recruited into the diaspora (Sayanim!) in order to actively participate in the scientifically accompanied propaganda lies and defamation campaigns. How many three-digit millions were provided for this Hasbara (propaganda)? Especially in times when the BDS movement is getting stronger and stronger and more and more prominent, this propaganda is intensified. I don’t know of any other political lobby like the Israel lobby, which is so masterly at abusing its former victim role so blatantly.

Just like any politician who visits the “Jewish State” no matter how often, is sent to Yad Vashem to complete his obligatory visit to the Holocaust Memorial. After that he has to “purify” everything that the hosts of the racist apartheid state put before him. It makes no difference whether it is right-wing extremists and racist guests who come to visit. From the Philippine dictator Duterte to Netanyahu friend Victor Orban, many welcome guests have already visited Netanyahu. All three are connected by their blatant Islamophobia. Will it soon be the new right-wing extremist Brazilian President Bolsonario or the Italian right-wing extremist Prime Minister Savini, who during his visit once called Hezbollah a terrorist organization and met with the former right-wing extremist Trump whisperer Steve Bannon to work on a new “right-wing movement”? They all belong to this kind of “terrorist politicians” who promote precisely the policy that follows the Zionist policy of the “Jewish State”, which first stirs up the violence and hatred that then leads to resistance. They are all welcome by their Jewish friends and fit so well into the fascist-Zionist system. The only thing missing is that Yad Vashem issues a “kosher” card for these racists, which makes them kosher and confirms them in their politics.

There is no right of return for Jews to stolen land!

While politicians who criticize the “Jewish state” for its crimes as well as foreign boycott activists and supporters are denied entry, people are happy about every right-wing politician visit. While Palestinians are denied entry, Jews from all over the world are encouraged to “return to their Promised Land” and to Alliah. The Alliah is linguistically “ascension”, but in reality it is a descent, after immigration. How is it nevertheless possible that this unbelievable state has been consolidated for over 70 years and is now almost accepted as normality? There is no right of return for Jews to stolen land!

The “Jewish State” has managed that almost all of its Jewish citizens are still proud of this oppressor state and show solidarity with these occupation crimes. It cannot be repeated often enough: This state wrongly presumes to speak for ALL Jews worldwide!

Jesus was the first persecuted Jew to be denounced as an enemy by his brothers in faith. What are the parallels to today? Critical Jews who openly speak out against human and international law crimes, illegal occupation and apartheid racism are marginalized by Jews and Israel supporters as anti-Semitic, only 73 years after Auschwitz liberation. This violates the Basic Law and human rights. This particularly perfidious form of anti-Semitism should be punished by the reasons of state.

It must end with the defamation of democratic Jews who are committed to international law and freedom, including for Palestinians, while Jews who show solidarity with Israeli crimes that have been going on for decades are courted! Jesus would certainly lead the BDS movement and certainly show solidarity with the Palestinians. He and his family knew the feeling of being displaced persons and migrants. This is forgotten by the politicians who call themselves “Christian” and who always show solidarity with the “Jewish State”. Are we not dealing again with a terrible selection? We can defend ourselves against it by steadfastly continuing to insist on respect for human rights based on clear facts, as opposed to Zionist propaganda lies.

Misery in Gaza reminiscent of concentration camps and ghettos

How can a Jewish state, which repeatedly refers to the Holocaust as a justification for legalizing its crimes, expropriate another people for decades, drive them from their land, keep them in a concentration camp without feeling any scruples? How can you deprive so many people of everything, without rights and freedom? Children and young people prefer to be shot as resistance fighters in order to escape hopelessness or end up committing suicide. They take German (!!) Tramadol to put themselves in a dream world and escape the terrible reality. The misery of the people in Gaza is so indescribable that it should remind Jews of concentration camps and ghettos. If there had been more resistance, more courage and more sincerity during the Nazi period, we would have been spared a lot.

No, it is not the Palestinians who are terrorizing, it is the Jewish state terrorists and their willing helpers. The Germans in particular should reflect and stand up and defend themselves against this philosemitism, which has replaced anti-Semitism. How can the systematic violation of international law and human rights be watched and legitimized without contradiction? With the Holocaust, which gives Jews a carte blanche for injustice suffered? There is no justification for these crimes. Especially the glut of the new anti-Semitism commissioners should deal with this topic, philosemitism and Islam hatred.

Every year the Christian world again celebrates the birth of Jesus, a Jew who was a revolutionary and courageously stood up for his ideas, and who dared to contradict the Jewish high priests, for which he finally paid with his life. Here, too, it was non-Jewish helpers who carried out the death sentence. On the third Sunday of Advent German scouts brought the “light of peace” from Bethlehem to Munich, during an ecumenical service in the Cathedral of Our Lady and with numerous participation of Catholic and Protestant parishes. Under the motto “Peace needs diversity – for a tolerant society” a spectacle was organized that can no longer be surpassed in hypocrisy.

Against the dark light of oppression the shining example in the fight for justice, peace and freedom!

The “light of peace” from the illegally occupied Bethlehem has nothing to do with peace, but is a dark light of oppression. It is precisely the Protestant Church that has excluded people who are fighting against the occupation of Palestine and for its people. The hypocritical message of alleged tolerance borders on brainwashing young Christian people of good will. The Bishop of Bavaria, Heinrich Bedford-Strohm and his unbearable grin, the “altar boys” Reinhard Cardinal Marx and the Greek Orthodox Archpriest Apostolos Malamoussis, all of them horribly deaf to the outcry of the Christian Palestinians to their brothers and sisters in faith – all laid down in the Kairos-Palästina-Document from the year 2009(!), which has as its goal “the end of the occupation of Palestine by Israel”. This “cry of hope, where there is no hope”, hits on the deaf ears of these ecclesiastical “holy” appearances, because they prefer to cower before the occupying power and its willing helpers. They did not even have the courage to invite a Palestinian Christian representative. Why do you think? Because he would certainly not have watched speechlessly and would have had much to report at home about the despondency of the German church leaders.

Jesus as a human being, beyond Christian or religious references, should be a shining example to all of us who hear the “cry of hope” full of empathy and who work for an end to the decades-long occupation of Palestine in the struggle for justice, peace and freedom, every year again.

I wish all readers a Merry Christmas.

In the new Rheinische Zeitung newspaper (NRhZ) published in expenditure 687 of 19.12.2018 under http://www.nrhz.de/flyer/beitrag.php?id=25488

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