Why no demands for Change in the Jewish State“? By Evelyn Hecht-Galinski. Desertpeace


It becomes criminal when everything that concerns criticism of the „Jewish state“ turns into anti-Semitism and is not stopped even by Jewish critics… Where is the demand for a change in the „Jewish state“? By Evelyn Hecht-Galinski It is interesting to see how German politicians feel called upon to demand sanctions against the…


It becomes criminal when everything that concerns criticism of the “Jewish state” turns into anti-Semitism and is not stopped even by Jewish critics…

Netanyahu laid out his rationale for the change at the cabinet meeting. “The state of Israel is a Jewish and democratic state.


Where is the demand for a change in the “Jewish state”?

By Evelyn Hecht-Galinski


It is interesting to see how German politicians feel called upon to demand sanctions against the legitimately elected Venezuelan President Maduro.The leading candidate of the European People’s Party for the European elections, Manfred Weber, announces in the Bild Zeitung: “The world community must not watch as the situation in Venezuela escalates more and more” and calls for a unified EU line, “which does not shy away from sanctions, as a signal the unity of the Europeans “. Similarly, the head of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the European Parliament, David Mc Allister, in the “central organ of democracy”, the “cancerous ulcer” of the German media landscape to speak with the statement: “The humanitarian situation in Venezuela is catastrophic and continues to worsen daily”.


On the side of the coup


The FDP foreign policy expert Count Lambsdorff wants to continue to watch as “Maduro starves his people”. Of course, the CDU General Secretary Paul-Zimiak does not want to stand aside and condemns that “Maduro shoot at people”. Of course, there could also be missing the green-outdoor expert Cem Özdemir, who also called for the EU pressure to move Maduro to give in; He urged the Left Party and its European allies to opt for the people and the dictatorship of ideology.


This shows us once again how implausible these politicians are, for these cowardly hypocrites are more than eloquent when it comes to the illegal occupation of Palestine and the daily Israeli human rights violations; All of them are loyal to the “Jewish Occupying State”, which unites all parties, from left to right-wing extremists.


It is frightening how quickly German policy has sided with the coup leader Guaidó, a US puppet that does not shrink from incitement to civil war and US intervention. But this does not trump Trump poodle-pack: the Germans are again squeezed on the side of injustice, despite the opinion of the Scientific Service of the Bundestag, which leaves little doubt that “the recognition of Juan Guaidó by the federal government in violation of international law.” , (1)


Fatal tendency to disregard international law


In sharp contrast to this fatal tendency to disregard international law, Merkel again and again emphasizes that she does not want to interfere in the “internal” affairs of the Zionist regime when it comes to the decades of violations of international and human rights by the Jewish state. But she is in a hurry when it comes to interference in Venezuela or Syria.


From the painful experience with US interventions in Latin America, it is also the right of the Venezuelans to refuse aid supplies, especially from the US, which link them with their sinister political goals. Hardly any of our so-called quality media reports on relief supplies, including from Cuba, China, Russia, India, Turkey.


Was not Ukraine also the victim of US intervention policy, which will continue to burden us for decades? And who does not remember Nuland’s “Fuck the EU”? Oh, and how willingly he gave himself to that … (2)


The US blackmail of the sanctions policy against Russia and Iran is fatal and we should defend against it, because our natural neighbor is and remains Russia. The surveys also show a blatant disproportion of the folly of the rulers to the reigned voting cattle, which is mostly against it, but ignored!


Shameless mendacity and sad cynicism


Now, Merkel is at the summit in Sharm el-Sheikh, calling for more tolerance and change among the participating Arab states, not shying away from communing with dictators such as the host al-Sisi and the Saudi king; one is stunned by such shameless mendacity. It was an embarrassing performance by an EU that sees itself as a “community of values” but has been fooled by dubious rulers in order to achieve cooperation promises.Human rights, democratic governance or the involvement of civil society are no longer on the agenda.


In reality, all we have to do is keep the refugees off our backs and stop the mass exodus from the Arab and African areas. However, whoever is responsible for this situation, as we see it in Syria, Libya, Iraq or Yemen, namely interference and interventions contrary to international law, is silent about this summit. It can not be overstated by sad cynicism if AA Maas “substantially” (100 million euros?) Appeals to the upcoming Yemen donors conference without commenting on who the perpetrators and profiteers of this genocide are! All we can see is that US welfare and democracy bring the desperate people in refugee boats across the ocean.And NATO can not keep its throat full: more weapons, more war, more destruction,


If Merkel thinks that she can ignore everything, just to mention human rights, but not too much, so as not to upset, that is the “Christian Zionist value policy”, which is forever in Merkel’s reign bad memory will remain.She has managed to stage herself again and again as a “compensatory politician,” but in reality pursues an ice-cold industrial policy. Whether it is the softening of the determination of armaments deliveries or the increase of the defense budget. Let’s ask ourselves, what happens to all the arms exports, and how are they used? More and more new wars and armed conflicts with millions of refugees are the result.


Shame on an EU Commission President


Indeed, if al-Sisi at the summit actually calls on the EU to intensify the fight against terror, which spreads like a harmful plague, then one must be surprised at its own terror against critics. In fact, when al-Sisi was asked if he was aware that the EU was in disagreement with the human rights situation in his country, it was still a scandal. As Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Abu Ghait asserted, “Not one of those present expressed” dissatisfaction “with the human rights situation, EU Commission President Juncker fought to clarify that human rights were well spoken. Well roared, lion, and so what, with what consequences? Further deepening cooperation in the fight against “terror and terrorists”? What a shameful performance by an EU Commission President.


I ask myself, if it had been a conference in the “Jewish State”, if there would have been the word “human rights”? Would not the Netanyahu regime have canceled the conference immediately? One is stunned by such shameless sanctimonious mendacity.


Supporting the right-wing Zionist regime and the US coup policy


Have all these politicians ever called for a change in the “Jewish occupation state”? Not at all, because the Zionist regime is free to pursue an ethnic cleansing policy that is unparalleled. We see that right-wing regimes and structures are courted and allegedly leftist are vilified. We have a situation that should make us more than worried. If such tendencies dominate the entire EU and the European Parliament, then good night Europe! If “democratic socialism”, which finally brought South and Central American states to freedom, becomes an enemy because of the US coup and regime change policy and supports Europe and Germany in particular, this inhumane policy, then we should finally respond. We have to prevent


Is not all about it in reality: namely, the Western, especially US economic interests in Venezuela and its oil and the demonization of the left?


It seems as if the US-led coup attempt in Venezuela this time fails, the miserable end to a US-led “coup revolution” on schedule. But will the Trump Pompeo government give up? Did not the self-proclaimed interim president maneuver into complete US offside by holding all “options open” to his coup attempt to succeed yet. Further proof that the US and its helpers are all about oil wealth. The people are little interested in them.


Mantle of Silence on the Crimes of the “Jewish State”


There was a wave of solidarity for Venezuela, around the world, which I would like to see Palestine as well. One wonders why it was only Roger Waters again, who made a name for himself as a famous artist and Palestinian and BDS supporter, why he stands alone. Where are the intellectuals and artists, especially in Germany, who work for human rights also for Palestinians and against the occupation of their homeland? Since the infamous hate against the last upright German voice Günter Grass silence in the woods is announced! For this we experience a more than embarrassing performance of female singers singing their trivial ditty songs for Israel. This republic has become as full and hollow as their talk shows and “sieved” news. Only shallow news broadcasts, who prefer to talk about football rather than about weekly murders and child murders of the “most moral” of all Jewish “defensive armies” on the border with illegally occupied Gaza. While the Israeli newspaper Haaretz publishes more than critical articles on a daily basis and is not afraid to publish the naked truth, and clearly calls the crimes of the state by its name, in this country they graciously spread the mantle of silence over the crimes in the Jewish Country”.


However, it becomes criminal when everything that concerns criticism of the “Jewish state” turns into anti-Semitism and is not stopped even by Jewish critics – as is currently the case with the “Jewish voice for just peace in the Middle East” – who have the decency, to work for the freedom of Palestine and the occupation. To work for international law and for peace in this country means that one has to reckon with massive reprisals. This is incompatible with the Basic Law and the right to freedom of expression, but recalls the times when Jews were once excluded and defamed in Germany. In this form of new hatred of the Jews, Jewish officials and politicians nowadays are in the same boat.


The leading candidate of the conservative EPP, Manfred Weber, does not demand an end to the illegal occupation of Palestine, but rather cheap as the voice of his Mr. Schuster a Europe pact against hatred of the Jews.Should he be elected President of the European Council, we must be very concerned about this, as this would be another step towards the end of freedom of expression and eternal silence on Zionist terror in illegally-occupied Palestine.


Liberality and intellectual freedom delivered to the Central Council garment


The FDP chairman Lindner still sets one on it and how the shoemaker orders the anti-Semitism that “comes under the guise of criticizing Israel” and demands the cessation of the financing of NGOs that support BDS (boycott, divestment, sanctions). Hard to imagine that Lindner and the FDP come with such “un-liberal” demands in the “double-digitity”, because such theses certainly attract no liberal voters, and certainly none that give something to international law.


The opinion of the curious “Liberal” Lindner is completely irrelevant to us, as Federica Mogherini, the High Representative of the EU, affirms the right to BDS: “The EU protects the freedom of expression and assembly in accordance with the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, applicable in the territory of all EU Member States, also with regard to the BDS measures implemented in that area. “(3) (3a)


Miserable this FDP, which, at the pressure of lobbyists, gives up its liberality and intellectual freedom at the Central Council wardrobe.


Israel: a racist apartheid state that needs to be protected from itself


Again and again one tries to pull the so successful nonviolent boycott movement with lies in the dirt. It’s not about “Do not buy with the Jew,” but “Palestinian civil society calls for boycott, disinvestment and sanctions against Israel until it complies with international law and the universal principles of human rights.” No central council yet bans this important document read and freely form your own (!) Opinion. (4)


Meanwhile, even the powerful Israeli-loyal US organizations, the pro-Israeli AIPAC and AJC, are getting cold feet because they suspect what the policies of the right-wing Netanyahu regime are doing. More striking than the “world” can not be expressed: “They made the state of Israel thanks to their influence in the US Congress again and again significant strategic support.” In fact, Israel is a racist apartheid state, which must be protected from itself. (5)


Unfortunately, this has not yet penetrated to the German governor of the “Jewish State”, Josef Schuster. He has the chutzpah to criticize President Steinmeier for having congratulated Iranian President Rohani on the 40th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution – “also in the name of his compatriots”. In fact, Steinmeier, as Federal President, has practiced diplomatic practices that are expected of a Federal President. What Schuster did this time surpasses everything in his infatuation. He misses “clear” words of criticism and actually means to speak on behalf of the Germans. No, he speaks in the name of the “Jewish State” and that is unbearable and proves the dependence of the Central Council of Jews on the “Jewish State”. Conversely, let us imagine that Steinmeier, in a congratulation to the 70th anniversary of the “Jewish state”, criticized the violation of human rights and international law and called for an end to the illegal occupation? What would have been an outcry from Schuster, probably the German President would have mutated to “supreme” anti-Semites. Addressed to Steinmeier’s address, it has not paid off for him to speak to the “Jewish State” about the mouth, maybe this central behavior finally promotes a “rethinking” in the Bellevue! (6) probably the German Federal President would have mutated into the “top” anti-Semite.Addressed to Steinmeier’s address, it has not paid off for him to speak to the “Jewish State” about the mouth, maybe this central behavior finally promotes a “rethinking” in the Bellevue! (6) probably the German Federal President would have mutated into the “top” anti-Semite. Addressed to Steinmeier’s address, it has not paid off for him to speak to the “Jewish State” about the mouth, maybe this central behavior finally promotes a “rethinking” in the Bellevue! (6)


Fight against any kind of slander


In these times of anti-Islam and hatred of Muslims, refugees and migrants, we should fight together against any kind of defamation. When is finally called for a change in the “Jewish state”?





(1) https://english.rt.com/inland/83963-science-of-the-countries-to-recognition-guaidos-voelkerrechtlich-fraglich/

(2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WV9J6sxCs5k

(3) http://bds-kampagne.de/2016/10/28/hohe-vertreterin-der-eu-frederica-mogherini-bestaetigt-das-recht-auf-bds/

(3a) http://dipbt.bundestag.de/doc/btd/19/075/1907560.pdf

(4) http://bds-kampagne.de/aufruf/aufruf-der-palstinensischen-zivilgesellschaft/

(5) https://www.welt.de/politik/ausland/article189377953/Israel-Netanjahus-gefaehrlicher-Deal- mit-der- racist-Partei.html

(6) https://www.bild.de/politik/inland/politik-inland/josef-schuster-zentralrat-der-juden-kritisiert-steinmeier-telegramm-60342870.bild.html


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